I am loving being home on The Farm. Yesterday was spent unpacking, washing and catching up on paperwork. I also spent what seemed like hours labeling Farmboy's school equipment. By the evening my head was spinning from all those permanent marker fumes... So I grabbed a glass of wine and went for a wander outside.
Look what I saw.
Homestead Driveway |
Treehouse |
Home. There is no place like it.
The farm seriously looks like a movie set! Very picturesque!
There's something about the Australian outback that is so intoxicating. It's been far too long between visits for me. Must get myself out there one day soon. Beautiful x
Oh that is so beautiful. I feel an ache for it, isn't that strange?
Simple beauty... love it! gxo
There's definitely no place like home.
Are you dry over there, or it that just a post-heading landscape?
I am so glad everyone likes the photos. Fiona I would love to say it was just post harvest but alas we are always this dry in Jan and Feb. We have no green feed and so all our sheep are being fed or agisted elsewhere. I was just saying to a friend that we are slightly less dry this year than normal - usually it looks even dryer! It won't green up until our season breaks in late March/April....
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