Farmgirl is obsessed with Bandaids. She loves them and takes every opportunity to get her hands on them and stick them anywhere that takes her fancy. She is also obsessed with Barbie. Barbie dolls, Barbie movies, Barbie colouring books, you name it, Farmgirl loves it. When we were in town doing the food shopping on Tuesday, Farmgirl found a magical combination of her two obsessions. Yep, you guessed it - Barbie Bandaids.
And look. She snuck the box into her room and got to work.
Farmgirl's Choice Of Attire For Feeding The Chooks |
Just for the record, there are no injuries under those Bandaids. They are for decorative purposes only!
She is certainly a girl with her own style....
Ha! My daughter has done this as well. We had to soak them off in the bath though afterwards.
The bandaids as accessories phase has made its way through this household as well... We couldn't leave until each leg (and only the legs) were adorned with a sticky shrine to Barbie or Sesame Street. They're over that now though... G x
Ha ha ha this is too funny, My little girl will scream holy blue murder if you ask her if she wants a bandaid on her scratches... how many chickens do you have? i've got seven, only one is laying... do they all get it or do we have six dud chooks? he he he hoping you know a bit about chooks :-)
I wonder if she gets her sense of style from her mum??
TDM xx
Ha! Love the style aids! And Barbie is a phase they all (well most) go through - enjoy!! (you've got all the other phases to come later... boys, etc..!!) XX
That's cute!
Getting desperate on a long flight I allowed the little one to stick bandaids all over himself, his bear, me, the tray table etc etc... it ignited a passion that is showing no sign of waning. I have to hide the bandaids out of reach now. I think that they might be kindred spirits, except his preferred style are the Hello Kitty ones! Love farmgirl's skirt/dress? The fabric is gorgeous. x
Sarah and Georgie - So glad it is not just my child that has been through the band aid obsession.
thatblogyoudo - Sometimes chooks go through a phase where they don't lay. Give them some laying pellets and if still no action in 6 weeks they are probably duds!
TDM - Not sure about getting her sense of style from me. Definitely her stubborness about picking her own clothes though....
Semi Expat - There are phases i am not looking forward to so much...
Be A Fun Mum - Super cute I think!
Emma - Farmgirl's dress is an old Country Road one. It is very cute but unfortunately not her favourite because
a. it isn't pink
b. it isn't sparkly!
This is so adorable! I love the band aid accessories. This girl has STYLE! xx
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