I did lots of preparation early for Christmas as there always seems to be something pop up at the last minute. This year that something has been a party for our farm staff and some close friends on Christmas Eve on The Farmhouse lawn. There will be about thirty people so I need to get on and get sorted for that. I have press-ganged a couple of English backpackers that are staying with my mother-in-law to help. Now I just need to conjure up some sort of gourmet BBQ arrangement. I am sure it will be alright on the night.
Our internet here has suddenly done weird things and is so slow it is laughable. I am going to try and upload some sort of Christmas image to add to this post but no promises.
To be honest I will be quite glad to see the back of 2012. There have been some fabulous bits of this year but I have also had some rougher times as my health has played up again and unfortunately I have not always been well. Nothing horrible (just an autoimmune condition) and I am finally back firing on almost all cylinders thanks to some good medication so am looking forward to Christmas and feeling well in the New Year. Not to mention the big Farm Family adventure to New York. Yay!! Need to keep reminding myself we are going. Not to mention get my head around packing.
I think there is no chance I will blog again before Christmas so I will wish everyone a Happy, Happy Christmas now. Best wishes to you and your families and thanks for reading my sporadic and often quite lame posts. (One of my aims in the New Year is to get this blog going again properly. We will see.)
Take care. Have a wonderful Christmas and stay safe bloggy friends!
Now - off to battle with my internet to try and load a photo of some sort.
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The Slowest Christmas Tree Photo To Upload In The History Of This Blog. |
Its taken me awhile to get into the spirit of things but I am finally there!
Merry Christmas to you, I hope its a great one and that 2013 brings health and happiness!
Cheers, Joolz
good luck with your health and luff the tree. Slow 'net sucks xxxx
Good luck with the party on Christmas Eve, sounds like you're feeling fairly relaxed about it, so I'm sure it will all work out. Hope 2013 brings you much health and happiness, certainly a trip to NY will be very fun (although you are brave taking children. I hate long haul flights with small children). Merry Christmas xx
OMG When I started reading this I thought something worse had happened to Herbie. Glad he's okay. I guess the children are more upset by it than anybody! LOL
Sorry to hear your health hasn't been the best. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thanks too for always stopping by and giving me support throughout 2012. Its meant a lot. (I feel I know you well but don't know you're name but Farmer's Wife is fine by me.)
All the best for 2013.
Anne xx
I'm so glad that things are under control with your health and that you can look forward to a wonderful time with your family over the break.
Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to the whole Farm Family.
Looking forward to catching up on all the news next year.
SSG xxx
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. Wishing good health in 2013.
Anne xx
A few years ago we had a border collie named Maggie. She had a tennis ball obsession and dove behind our Christmas tree one year, bringing the whole thing down on top of her..whoops! The following year we heard this weird crackling and bumping in the middle of the night...it was the same wonder dog, grabbing cellophane wrapped candy canes off the tree and munching them at 2 am!
Your tree is lovely, hope Herbie suffers no ill effects from eating chocolate and foil wrappers.
Have a great time in New York.
I am another that is looking forward to 2013, health issues here too. Glad to hear you are feeling better though and a trip to New York sounds terribly exciting!!! Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the farm family. xx
Merry Christmas to you all in the far west! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2013.
Naughty wonderdog! One of our beagles one Christmas got into a gift under the tree which just happened to be a big box of chocolates......he spent the night vomiting them all up and the disgusting mess might have seeped between upstairs floorboards and coated downstairs walls. It was enough to put the entire family off chocolate...ok maybe only for a couple of days! Have a wonderful, healthy and happy Christmas, Rx
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