There has been lots going on. Overseas guests, business meetings, dinner parties and a four day break in the southwest thrown in for good measure. In the middle of all of the chaos I also had my birthday. I am going to keep saying I am in my mid 30s although I do think being 38 is pushing it. I won't tell if you won't.
So - here are a few quick photos of recent happenings around here.
Here is my dinner party table setting. You will notice those gum leaves made another appearance as The Farmhouse garden is still sadly bereft of blooms.
Dinner Party Table |
We headed down to Bunker Bay for a quick break before seeding. There was lots of eating, drinking, lazing by the pool and swimming at the beach. And one memorable non-swim as the shark helicopter sounded its siren as we stepped onto the sand. Needless to say it was straight back to the pool
Love An Infinity Pool |
Farmboy learnt a valuable lesson when he jumped in the pool with his iPod touch in his pocket. Everyone has to learn one way or another that iThings do not swim.
I love the south west of WA. My brother and his family live there as do my parents. We spent a fabulous day with them. It was wonderful to see The Farmchildren playing with their cousins on the beach.
The Beach At Bunker Bay |
In My Brother's Garden |
We caught crabs in Geographe Bay and ate them fresh.
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Crabs |
As his iPod had drowned, Farmboy played with my iPhone for a little while on the drive back to The Farm. He must have played with the photos as I found this when I downloaded them.
Crabs Caught By The Force |
We are gearing up for seeding here on The Farm and it will be busy from now on so it was lovely to have a little escape. Particularly as the weeks either side of our break have been beyond frantic.
I hope all is well wherever you are. Some quick blog admin. I am not sure if my feed is still working as there have been changes in my email address. I will try and fix this and apologise in the meantime. I have also had to turn word verification back on as the spam situation has become ridiculous. While I know this is a fast loading blog by a fastidious blogger with valuable well written information I am sick of being told this 30 times a day! Particularly as I have no interest in tinnitus cures, hcg injections or financial schemes.... Apologies for the horrible little words but the robots are doing my head in.
Take care.
May the force be with you for seeding!
Well, I hope I can manage the word verification and this goes through! I have had an inbox full of spam as well. The best one was today, who complemented me on my interesting post on biology, which I managed to combine with chemistry as well!! (the post was about my dinner plates). Then their link led you to something called Vaginal Mesh.... interesting. Anyway, lovely holiday, Happy Birthday and welcome to the 38 club. Love Farmboys work. My oldest has some sort of app he's downloaded where he makes little movies of say, the front of our house, and then helicopters come in and blow it up. He seems to think it is hilarious of course. Hope seeding goes well and that you get some blooms in the garden soon. We are all wilting in the heat here too. xx
Thanks Anne.
Heidi - just love the concept that out there someone is trying to entice people to a website with vaginal mesh..... Do you know the name of the helicopter app? Farmboy would go mad for it.
Thanks Anne.
Heidi - just love the concept that out there someone is trying to entice people to a website with vaginal mesh..... Do you know the name of the helicopter app? Far boy would go mad for it.
Always nice to see what is happening over in WA. That beach looks gorgeous. We hope to return to WA one day, maybe 2014, a trip over the Nullabor.
I am so over our summer, the garden has gone to seed and is straggly and tired and its been too hot to do anything with it.
I hope seeding goes well and that you get the follow up rains for good crops.
Me, I can't wait for winter,
Cheers - Joolz
The apps called "Action Movie"... sorry T, had to wait for my husband to return home from his trip o/s to find out what it's called (it's on his ipad!) I'm sure Farmboy will love it! xx
Dont write off the ipod just yet. Put into a container and completely surround and cover with rice that has not been cooked. Leave for 72 hours in the first instance. The rice draws out the water. So far, this has worked on an iphone that went through a full load of the washing machine.
Oh yes I saved my iphone with rice, but even better, I moved on to silica. google it! Better yet, so it never happens again, Buy lifeproof cases for all your phones and stuff, they work! Except do not allow anyone to remove them from the case once it goes on- they lose the seals! I have turned on google account holders only for commenting due to all the spam- same sort of shite!
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