May 27, 2011

Friday On My Mind.

It has been a funny old week here on The Farm.  Lots to do and lots to think about.  I am very glad it is Friday and that, given we have finished seeding, we can have a proper weekend.  I have very important things planned, like hanging out with The Farmer and The Farmchildren...

Right now though, I am snuggled up in my pyjamas in front of the fire and am planning to go to bed early.

Just linked up over at The Pink Fibro  for the weekly rewind.  As always, the links will be well worth a look.

Here are some photos of a super stylish succulent in The Farmhouse garden.  It has no relevance to this post whatsoever but I like it. Hopefully you will too.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that is a totally cool succulant, nice work. Love Posie
(sorry it's anonymous, Blogger won't let me sign in)

deux chiens et un garcon said...

Succulents keep on giving don't they.

Hope it is all snug where you are.
